Yeah... that's SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS... seriously. I should note that since this software was developed by faculty in my department, I get that same license for twenty-five bucks.
Anyway, I finally figured out how to make totally-sweet 3D anaglyphs from my also-totally-sweet high resolution digital elevation model data of taiwan... essentially I hope to be including images like this in posters so that I can give a poster presentation in one of those crowded AGU aisles with a bunch of people standing around, all wearing goofy red-and-blue glasses. The image below is a south-looking view across high terraces in Puli. You will need a standard pair of 3D glasses to see this, or just something red and something cyan to look through. Red goes over your left eye.

I like the anaglyph. Did you originally post this with a different picture? It seems that I saw this post earlier, then when I came back to see it again, the picture was not the one I remembered. Or maybe I am just senile.
No... you're not senile. I switched the image to this one because it shows the quality of the data much better than the original image I posted.
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