it's been a bit of a long weekend... came into work on saturday until about noon... probably the second time that whole week i'd made it into the office before noon. i went downtown for sushi at a restaurant and then caught the movie "munich" at one of the major theatres in the city. the movie was good, rather i should say,"well done". the movie did a good job of giving the viewer a visceral feeling for what the brutality of the munich olympic hostage crisis and the aftermath was like, but i felt totally shell-shocked after the movie. it took several hours fo me to get over it. it's not just a violent movie ; it is very graphic, and the violence is not movie-esque... not clean, and not overly bloody to the point of being comical... the acts depicted are just brutal and swift and a little too realistic for anyone who's kind of squeamish. went out to a friend's house xizhi and just spent time hanging out. that was basically the whole weekend. it's been a welcome change to going to bars and being surrounded by people. i think i'm getting a bit of a sore throat too, so taking it easy this weekend was a good thing.
not much of a post this time... no witty banter or really insightful observations... maybe next time. i will post a mosaic of some of the grafiti and stickers i've run into recently... the weather's been really gross for a few days too, so i haven't really been taking many pictures.

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