About Me

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I'm a consulting geologist for a small company in the Denver area. I study problems related to active tectonics, using geomorphology, structural geology and remote sensing.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Finally, some new posts...

I'm back (more or less) from meetings, holiday breaks, injury (a badly sprained ankle) and sickness. At the moment I'm just sitting in my office and procrastinating while I should be working on some loose ends from last semester, but I decided to finally put some new material up here and let people who check this blog know that I'm still alive.

After the harrowing suck-fest that was the fall semester I'm eager to start the next few months of work. I'm finally done with the banal classwork that has been the bane of my graduate career to date. I will be working more closely with my advisor on my research and attending lectures on active tectonics and structural kinematics for the first time since coming back to school... it only took three years!

Anyway... I'm back, hopefully this finds all of you well and healthy at the start of this new year.


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